for EL Civics Students
    Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.  The emergency operator can
    send  an ambulance, the fire department, or the police to help
    you.  The emergency operator will ask you questions.
Total:  38 questions
1.  Your house is on fire.  Do you call 911?
Example:  yes
2.  Your father has strong chest pains.  Do you
call   911?
3.  You see a car accident and people are hurt.  
Do you call 911?
4.  You see a car accident and people are not hurt.
 Do you call 911?
5.  You see someone entering your neighbor's
house through a window.  Do you call 911?
6.  If your brother gets a major electric shock,
do you call 911?
Next page...
Note:  Copyrights to the pictures on this site are owned by individual photographers.  We have purchased the
right to use them.  Do not copy these pictures.  Permission is granted to link to any page on this site.  Thanks to
Seminole College in Florida for linking to this EL Civics Emergencies unit for ESL students. If you find any
information on this site that is incorrect, please let us know.  Also, here is a free
emergencies video designed
for ESL classrooms with interactive boards.  It shows a fire, car accident, flood, drowning, tornado, and more.