Welcome EL Civics students!  Click on a picture to start an EL Civics lesson.  Enjoy
    employment, emergencies, American history and government, or California.  You can also take
    a picture tour of Washington, D.C. or Catalina Island.  Great pictures, simple sentences, and
    fun lessons make learning English fast and easy.  Free EL Civics worksheets, activities,
    powerpoint presentations, and crossword puzzles are available.   tinkerbellchime.com
EL Civics Employment:  Pictures and  38-
question quiz about employment with
multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false,
and matching exercises for ESL and EL
Civics students of all levels. *
  • identify workers
  • select job skills
  • search for employment
  • read a job board
  • complete employment applications
  • go on a job interview
EL Civics Emergencies:  Pictures and 37-
question quiz.  Easy multiple choice
questions about calling 911 to report an
emergency.  Perfect for ESL and EL
Civics students at the beginning levels. *
  • identify emergencies
  • know when to call 911
  • give accurate personal information
  • ask for fire, police, ambulance
  • tell location of emergency

* Thanks to Nancy McMullen of GGUSD Adult
Education, Lincoln Education Center, California.
* Thanks to Alisa Takeuchi of GGUSD Adult Education,
Chapman Education Center, California.
EL Civics History and Government: Tour
Washington, D.C.'s parks, buildings,
monuments, and memorials.  Learn about
American history and government.  All
ESL and EL Civics levels will enjoy the
pictures of Washington, D.C.
  • view pictures of the Capitol building,
    the Supreme Court, and the White
  • visit Arlington National Cemetery
  • learn about presidents Washington,
    Jefferson, Lincoln, and Kennedy
  • read a chart about America's wars
Catalina Island ESL Tour: Visit this
beautiful California island and see
pictures of boats, buildings, plants, and
animals.  Perfect for beginning ESL
and EL Civics students.
  • see pictures of Santa Catalina
  • learn facts about Catalina's history,
    residents, buildings, and animals
Download Crossword Puzzles
* Thanks to Christina Kubes of GGUSD Adult
Education, CHEC, for adding a link to this site.
EL Civics California:  Learn about
California's history, government,
geography, climate, population,
employment trends, and more.  This unit
includes quizzes, pictures, and facts about
California for ESL students.
Download Quizzes and Powerpoint
If you want to print a class set of ESL crossword puzzles,
and you don't want a class set of answer pages, be sure to
select page one; otherwise, you'll get multiple pages of the
answer sheets, too.
Directions:  PowerPoint presentations take 2 minutes to download, but once they download, they are very fast.  After viewing
an ESL PowerPoint presentation, click on the Back button on the toolbar to return to this page.
    Resource Recommendations  
Wonderful site with English and ESL activities for all levels and on every subject.  It's full of hidden treasures, so be sure to
check all the links.  Thanks to Dr. Ron C. Lee of Pasadena, California, for adding a link to this page from his citizenship list of
resources.  Be sure to take his online citizenship quiz.  It will help you pass the citizenship test.
This is the second EL Civics website I designed.  I actually took classes before creating this one, so I hope you see some
growth.  It has great picture tours of the Statue of Liberty, Washington, D.C., and the Gateway Arch.   My future plans also
include Mount Rushmore (Cherita Stevens) and the Liberty Bell (Carol Martin).  Be sure to check out the 7-page pictorial of
the American Bald Eagle.  Each unit includes free printable worksheets and activity pages for ESL students of various levels.
Great site...I especially recommend his podcast of ESL songs.  You can find it in the far right column under Learn a Song
Podcast.   Also, check out his one man band video. Thanks, Charles Kelly and Lawrence Kelly, for adding a link to this site
from the monthly online
Internet TESL Journal.
Seminole Community College in Florida has put together a great list of life skill resources for its ESOL department.  Please be
sure check out all of their links.  Thanks to the Seminole webmaster for including a link to our EL Civics emergency unit.  And
greetings to the Sunshine State of Florida from the Golden State of California.
OTAN's online lesson builder guides teachers through the step by step process of building a lesson plan.  It's easy to use and
has helpful reminders along the way.  Thanks to
Cherita Stevens of Chapman in the GGUSD for coming up with such a great
Dr. June Nguyen specializes in creating and developing VESL online classes.  Her classes emphasize both business and
academic skills.  She has pioneered online VESL classes for Lincoln Education Center in GGUSD and for Centennial at Santa
Ana College.  June also produces and hosts a radio show called Practical English for Vietnamese New Comers, which has
aired since 1995.
    Copyright Notice
Note:  Copyrights to the pictures and photos on this EL Civics website are owned by individual photographers.   I have
purchased the right to use them.  Do
not copy these pictures and photos.  On the other hand, all of the worksheets on this
website are reproducible for classroom use and may be modified as desired. Permission is granted to link to any page on this
website.  Contact Christina Niven, ESL Web Developer, at protectivemom@msn.com.   Copyright by Christina J. Niven,
July 2005.  Address of this home page: tinkerbellchime.com.

* Technical Support and Development:  Barbie Rubottom
Objective 17 - 17.2
Community Resources
Assessment Sheets
Lesson Plans
Download Worksheets:
Download Worksheets:
The Colorado Department of Education has a very active web development program that includes a page of EL Civics
resources.  They have included a nice summary that explains the purpose of EL Civics at the top of their page.  I'd like to thank
Debra Fawcett and Jane Miller for adding a link to this site.  I'm honored.